Friday, May 23, 2008

Farmers Market

Summer must be officially here as the Summer long Farmers Market has begun in Montrose, Colorado. This will be the first season for Jovis Coffee. Since all of our coffees are roasted right here in Montrose, we are able to bring our offerings to the market. This past Saturday had absolutely gorgeous weather-- if every Saturday is like this, it would be heaven. To help keep everyone cool, we also have our smoothies, frappes, and every espresso drink you can imagine available at the market. The folks that work with the city have been very gracious with us. Our espresso machines draw quite a bit of electricity, so in the first two weeks we have managed to trip several breakers, and melt one outlet! When cities design the downtown area, don't they plan for lattes? ;) But everyone has been terrific to work with, and we are thrilled to be there. We can be found every Saturday through the summer from 8a-1p on So. First St. directly in front of City Hall.

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